Welcome to Ignite Confirmation!

Ignite is our ministry for 7th-9th graders. Gather with friends every Wednesday and explore faith and grow deeper in your relationship with God and friends. Wednesday nights include time for games, food, and conversation about topics relevant to teen's lives.

We’re so excited that you’re here, and that you’ll be joining us this year as we talk about important topics like: Bible basics, deeper relationships, wise choices, and authentic faith.

Questions? Contact:
Shirley Geib at medin.geib@yahoo.com or
Pastor Emily Newton at eem@cambridgelutheran.org or
Kate Roettger klr@cambridgelutheran.org
or call 763.689.1211
Your registration also signifies your approval of the use of pictures taken at events, to be used in our social media or publications.  We do not identify or tag students by name in any of our materials, unless permission is given.

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
* The student must be baptized before they enter 9th grade in order to Affirm their faith in the fall of their 10th grade year.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
* Please include NEED TO KNOW circumstances (Medical/Special Needs:  Allergies, ADHD, Autistic, Behavioral Issues, etc.) or Family Dynamics (Divorce, split custody, etc.).  This information will be for Ignite's files only.

Please select one option.
Please select one option.

Emergency contact - NOT parent/guardian.  To be contacted in the event of an emergency and a parent/guardian cannot be reached.

Please select one option.
* Please note up to 3 other students that your child would like to be in a group with (grouped by grade & gender).  Likewise, if you have a reason that they should be separated from another student, please note that here.  We will do our best to make sure that your young person is in a small group with at least one of their requests - although we cannot make any guarantees.

Please select one option.

Like all youth programming at CLC, Ignite Confirmation is a parent/family driven ministry. Parents play the largest role in shaping their child's faith formation.

It is our expectation that all confirmation parents/guardians serve at Ignite. Please share with us in what area(s) you plan to serve in the 2023-24 programming year.
Please select all that apply.

Parent involvement is important & we want to partner with and include you!

Parent Participation is expected - 
September 20th - Ignite for Ignite
(kick off night for parents and kids)

Please select all that apply.

Please select all that apply.
* I/We do consent to any x-ray, anesthetic, medical, surgical, dental diagnosis, or treatment that may be deemed necessary for my minor child. Further, I understand that all efforts will be made to contact me prior to treatment. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I give permission to the activity leader to make the decisions necessary for treatment. Should there be no activity leader available, I give permission to the attending physician to treat my minor child. I further understand that the doctors, dentists, and other providers attending to my child will take all reasonable safety precautions during their care. Further, as parent or legal guardian I am financially responsible for the health care decision for my minor child and agree that my insurance plan is the primary plan to pay for the dental, medical, or hospital care or treatment that is given to my child. Any policy of the church or organization sponsoring this event will be used as the secondary coverage.
Please select all that apply.
* By taking part in Ignite Confirmation, students will form real and lasting relationships with each other, with caring and compassionate adults, and of course, with God.  

By choosing to have my child in Ignite Confirmation at CLC, our family is making a commitment to the faith formation of our child by participating in worship and serving regularly.

As the parent/gaurdian I agree to play an active role in my child's faith formation. 

I will partner with the CLC staff/volunteers in this life-changing/life-giving path of discipleship where we grow closer to God and to each other through worship, fellowship, service, discipleship and outreach. 


Welcome to Ignite Confirmation!

Ignite is our ministry for 7th-9th graders. Gather with friends every Wednesday and explore faith and grow deeper in your relationship with God and friends. Wednesday nights include time for games, food, and conversation about topics relevant to teen's lives.

We’re so excited that you’re here, and that you’ll be joining us this year as we talk about important topics like: Bible basics, deeper relationships, wise choices, and authentic faith.

Questions? Contact:
Shirley Geib at medin.geib@yahoo.com or
Pastor Emily Newton at eem@cambridgelutheran.org or
Kate Roettger klr@cambridgelutheran.org
or call 763.689.1211